miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Technology Assignment (5.11.2013)

What is Moodle? Moodle is a learning platform used to create activities, communities and courses online.
What does Moodle stand for? Moodle stands for; Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.
Is it a web site, a blog, a wiki,  a social network? Explain... Moodle is a free software e-learning platform. This is also known as Virtual Learning Environment.
What is it used for and why is that? Moodle is used to help teachers and professors educate their students, by creating online courses for them to interact and collaborate on.
Name 5 different features of Moodle.: 1. Assignment Submission. / 2. Files download. / 3. Grading Book. / 4. Online Calendar. / 5. Online news and announcements.
If I say that Moodle is under a GNU license, what do I mean? This means, that everyone in Moodle is able to copy and share the web page, but only the administrator is able to change it.
What is the difference between GNU and Unix? The main differences between GNU and Unix, is that; Unix is trademarked and had a copyright, while GNU doesn't. Also, GNU covers more software that Unix does.
What is a general public license? The GNU GPL or simple GPL, is the free software license most used around the world. This software guarantees individuals, organizations and companies the advantage to use it to study, share and modify.
How do you use Moodle? Instead of writing a whole paragraph into how to use moodle, I found this image which can help you understand more its use.

Assess Moodle, give it a rating. I actually quite like Moodle, because of these few features.
1. It’s of simple use and can be easily understood.
2. You can check out the lesson you did that day at class.
3. If you forgot to write down your homework, most teachers have it written there.
4. It’s very helpful for studying.
5. You can see your grades to see how you're doing at that course.

If I had to rate it, I would give it a ⅘. I’m very happy with it.


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